McQuaid Jesuit Cancels Activities Fair
McQuaid Jesuit’s Activities Fair, normally a traditional gathering for students to learn more about certain clubs and new future opportunities at McQuaid, was cancelled due to the Covid-19 virus this past September.
The Activities Fair is usually held in McQuaid’s Deborah and John DiMarco, ’60 Field House, and is a staple every year at McQuaid Jesuit. The fair gives students opportunities to join clubs.
Many students should join clubs to make their college transcripts interesting. Without an activities fair, it is difficult for students to join clubs and to know about any future clubs.
The lack of an Activities Fair also affects students’ friend groups.
“I think it [the absence of an activity fair] doesn’t help them. I think it makes it harder for kids to, to know about joining clubs, it’s my first year at McQuaid and I have very little knowledge about any club I could possibly join and I don’t know where I could learn about these clubs,” said sophomore Luca Ciaramitaro, ‘23.
McQuaid’s Activities Fair brings students together through social opportunities; not just the act of joining clubs, but being in the DiMarco Field House also serves as a social opportunity.
“Because sometimes the ability to be in that space is a social opportunity,” said Dr. Parks, McQuaid Jesuit’s Dean of Students.
All McQuaid clubs are communities where friends become brothers, and they grow together. Without the Activities Fair, new students would have no clue how to join these clubs, and they would be missing out on the social opportunities that are presented at the Activities Fair.