Students React to New Mask-Optional Policy

On March 2 McQuaid, along with many other area schools, lifted its indoor masking mandate to reflect changes in state-wide policy. The Lance gathered initial impressions of this change by asking students a simple question: “How do you feel about McQuaid’s removal of the mask mandate?”

“I feel like the removal of McQuaid’s mask mandate was a great idea. It was long overdue, and I believe that Mcquaid should have done this a long time ago because we are a private school. And I think it’ll help our immune systems.” -Doug Kebede ’23

“As a black man, I still keep my mask on me just in case people start coughing and sneezing around me, so I can pull my mask up.” -Gabe Zawolo ‘23

“I don’t love it… I think taking the masks away will just lead to more people getting sick and then we’ll just have to wear them again.” -Mr. Rybak

“The mask mandate strategy that we are using now is great. Kids aren’t having to deal with masks, and if you want to, you can wear one and protect yourself. It’s an opinion now which I thought it should have been when COVID came out, and I think it’s great the way we are dealing with it.” -John Harding ’24
Dominic Sansone ’24
“I personally think that it’s good. I think it’s a good idea to allow it to be optional. Those that want to wear masks can still wear them, and those that don’t have the ability not to. I like it.” -Dominic Sansone ’24

Aaron Lynch ‘24
“I’m extremely pleased with the mask mandate removal. I think it was a really good move. The only thing I disagree with was the wait for all public schools to do it in New York State. It made no sense that COVID stopped existing after Tuesday, and we had to wear them those two days. I think it’s sad that it feels weird not to wear and mask, just because it’s been so long since we haven’t.” -Aaron Lynch ’24

“It’s so nice to see things going back to normal, and right now I’m just enjoying it for what it is. It’s nice to see everyone smiling again and also to have normal lunch tables again.” -Jerome Job ‘22

“I think it was definitely a good time to do it. I think we proved here at McQuaid that wearing our masks properly and making sure that we followed all the covid restrictions put forth by the school was really good for our health. I thoroughly and whole-heartedly agree with it, and I’m glad we have the old covid guidelines for the possible future.” -Mr. Ryan Schneider