McQuaid Administration Announces Vaping Policy


At 2:30 p.m., Monday, Oct. 7, McQuaid Jesuit Principal Adam Baber announced the addition of a new vaping collection bin inside the second floor Wegman Family Science and Technology Center bathroom.

With many students scared to get penalized for being caught with a vape, Mr. Baber announced a non-disciplinary way for students to dispose of their vapes; an anonymous disposal bin for vaping devices. 

This was the latest effort from administration to eliminate vaping from the school’s culture.  “It doesn’t mean that student will be free from whatever habit he has; but in the moment, it might help him build up some courage and willpower, and that can be helpful in the long run,” Mr. Baber said.  

Not only does vaping negatively affect the school, it more importantly is a dangerous addiction for students.

It is important for students to know that adults at McQuaid are here to help them, not hurt them. Students who vape on a regular basis are likely using the device as a way to avoid personal challenges and difficulties. This is not necessary as their are better ways to cope with these issues such as speaking with an adult

“Being a teenager, especially at a competitive and challenging school like ours, can be tricky at times.  There are healthy ways to cope with that, and there are unhealthy ways, too. It is always healthy and safer to share the burden with someone you trust than to turn to substances for a brief respite,” Mr. Baber said.

Those who are not comfortable speaking to faculty or administration are not out of luck with the addition of a secure, anonymous bin being conveniently located within the school walls.

No cameras, no questions asked, no judgement. 

“It’s definitely not the ‘solution’ to the problem, but if it helps just a few kids, it’s worth the effort,” Baber said.

Although it may not be the exclusive solution, it is a start.

The school hopes its efforts will gradually decrease the number of students who vape to zero. Until that point, Guidance, Campus Ministry, or even adminstrators are viable places to seek help for those struggling with an addiction.