McQuaid Juniors Share Their Tips to Academic Success

McQuaid Jesuit is known for its arduous workload. Many students often become overwhelmed by their work and do not know how to efficiently handle it all.

Numerous McQuaid juniors shared their tips and secrets on how to handle the tough workload in an attempt to help other students also find academic success.

When asked about his secret to success at McQuaid, Max Stuver ’21 said, “My number one tip is to cut out distractions when you’re trying to complete work or study.” A prominent Harvard study noted how humans are not wired to multitask. The same study also stated that students who use technology to study academic material retain considerably less-information than students who use old-fashioned pen and paper.

When asked how he handles his workload, Jim Stewart ‘21 replied, “My number one tip is to go to teachers for help, and ask them about upcoming work, and if you ever have an essay you should do one paragraph a day or if you have a test always look at your notes early.” According to the American Psychological Association (APA), students retain significantly more information if they break up a study-session into multiple and smaller study periods — even if they study the same net time overall.

Henry Smith ‘21 said this when asked how he handles his workload, “Organization is definitely key. If you’re organized it helps you get your homework done easier and it helps you study easier. Organization just helps you stay on top of things.” Organizational skills have always been linked to better academic success and increased productivity. Good organization and keeping a planner will be positively reflected in your academic work and decreases the chance of possibly forgetting your homework or study material in your locker.

Organization, cutting out distractions while completing academic work, and asking teachers for help all contribute to academic success at McQuaid. The aforementioned juniors shared these tips in order to help other students better-manage their academic work throughout McQuaid and even onto college.