New Knights Share Their McQuaid Experiences

Each year, new students transfer into McQuaid Jesuit from other schools. New students address their experiences and feelings in their new school so far.

Eighth-grader Edward Evans, a new student at McQuaid Jesuit is experiencing new and different things at this school. Evans said that he enjoys the feeling of being a new student and, “I’m always meeting new friends.”

He felt that he was “slowly getting the hang of things,” with the ample workload at McQuaid Jesuit.

Junior Carey D’Andrea expressed that “it feels great to be a student here. I like the connection and brotherhood.” D’Andrea felt welcomed into the Jesuit Brotherhood saying, “For the most part everyone respects you and is willing to help you.”

“It was and still is a little of a challenge to adjust to the work here coming in as a Junior, but I’m starting to get a hang of it,” D’Andrea said.

Junior Patrick Mayo, a new McQuaid Jesuit student, is feeling great so far. “I love McQuaid Jesuit and all opportunities that come with it. It’s been a great experience so far and I’m looking forward to the future,” he said.

Mayo expressed positive feelings about the all boys school, saying, “I like the all-male atmosphere. People aren’t trying to impress anyone and they can just be one of the guys. I joined the crew team before school officially started, but other clubs and activities are not well publicized and have been more of a challenge,” Mayo said.

Mr. Richard Vernetti, (Freshman and Sophomore English teacher) shared how his new students are keeping up in school so far.

Mr. Vernetti said that student workload hasn’t really changed since he was a student here. “If anything, it is slightly lighter,” he said. “New students seem to deal with the workload better than returning students do.”

Mr. Vernetti added that, “it seems to me that students who stay within the school are not expecting the increased workload each year, thinking that they have a ‘handle on McQuaid’.”

Junior Max Dragon came in as a new student from Canada and had many positive feelings about McQuaid Jesusit. (Scroll down for complete video of interview). Dragon expressed that he gets a lot more homework at McQuaid Jesuit than his old school, he says, “average two and a half to three hours of homework a night.”

“It’s definitely overwhelming at times when you have tests on top of homework,” Dragon explained.

New students are enjoying their time at McQuaid Jesuit so far. They continue to adjust while gaining new experiences.