Weird and Wacky Places of McQuaid

A photo tour of the strangest places on campus

  • A spray-painted light switch in the basement faculty bathroom offers an odd splash of color.

  • An old stairwell beneath the main entrance of the school leading into the Black Box. While the sign above the door denoting 62B may appear photoshopped, it is actually real.

  • Peering south from an entrance on the roof. This spot overlooks Pinnacle Hill, flush with radio towers and leafless trees.

  • The middle school hallway can be a frightening place during the heat of a school day.

  • Part of building’s original construction, this utility shower still remains in the faculty bathroom located in the basement.

  • Taking a look into a faculty bathroom closet. The bathroom lies in the basement of the north end of the main building.

  • The Black Box is a room not known to a majority of McQuaid Jesuit students. The space is used by Film Studies and Theatre students during various parts of the day.

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